Bing Knowledge Panel and Google Knowledge Panel

Differences between Bing Knowledge Panel and Google Knowledge Panel
If you have ever searched for a person, place, organization, or thing on a search engine, you may have noticed a box of information on the right side of the screen. This is called a knowledge panel, and it is designed to help you get a quick overview of the entity you are looking for. Knowledge panels are generated by search engines using various sources of data, such as Wikipedia, data partners, and verified entities.
But not all knowledge panels are the same. In this blog post, we will compare the differences between Bing Knowledge Panel and Google Knowledge Panel, and how they affect your online presence and reputation.
What is Bing Knowledge Panel?
Bing Knowledge Panel is an information box that appears on Bing when you search for an entity that is in Bing’s Knowledge Graph. The Knowledge Graph is a system that understands facts about entities and the relationships between them. It is used to power knowledge panels as well as traditional search results.
Bing Knowledge Panel can show various types of information, such as:
– A featured image
– A title and subtitle
– A description
– Social profiles
– Other items, such as awards, books, movies, albums, etc.
Bing Knowledge Panel can also show related entities that are connected to the main entity by some common attribute or category.
Here is an example of what a Bing Knowledge Panel looks like on desktop and mobile, respectively:

Read more: Everything you have to know about Google Knowledge Panel
How to get a Bing Knowledge Panel?
Bing Knowledge Panel is automatically generated with information that comes from various sources across the web. Bing also works with data partners who provide authoritative data on specific topics like movies or music.
However, if you are the subject of or official representative of an entity depicted in a Bing Knowledge Panel, you can create or claim your own Bing Page. A Bing Page is a way to manage your online presence and reputation on Bing. You can use it to:
– Verify your identity and ownership of your entity
– Edit your information and add more details
– Choose a featured image from images available on the web
– Connect your social profiles– Monitor your performance and insights
To create or claim your Bing Page, you need to follow these steps:
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your Microsoft account
3. Search for your entity and find its knowledge panel
4. Click on Claim this page or Create this page
5. Follow the instructions to verify your identity and ownership
6. Once verified, you can edit your information and manage your Bing Page
What is Google Knowledge Panel?
Google Knowledge Panel is an information box that appears on Google when you search for an entity that is in Google’s Knowledge Graph. The Knowledge Graph is a system that understands facts about entities and the relationships between them. It is used to power knowledge panels as well as traditional search results.
Google Knowledge Panel can show various types of information, such as:
– A featured image
– A title and subtitle
– A description
– Social profiles
– Other items, such as awards, books, movies, albums, etc.
Google Knowledge Panel can also show related entities that are connected to the main entity by some common attribute or category.
Here is an example of what a Google Knowledge Panel looks like on desktop and mobile, respectively:

How to get a Google Knowledge Panel?
Google Knowledge Panel is automatically generated with information that comes from various sources across the web. Google also works with data partners who provide authoritative data on specific topics like movies or music.
However, if you are the subject of or official representative of an entity depicted in a Google Knowledge Panel, you can get verified on Google and suggest changes. Getting verified on Google allows you to:
– Confirm your identity and ownership of your entity
– Suggest edits to your information and add more details
– Choose a featured image from images available on the web
– Connect your social profiles
To get verified on Google, you need to follow these steps:
1. Go to Google Search
2. Sign in with the Google account associated with your entity
3. Make sure your Web & App Activity is turned on
4. Search for your entity and find its knowledge panel